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Science & Technology

💬 ChatGPT alternatives

IIT Madras will work on ChatGPT alternatives with a focus on regional languages.

☄️ NISAR payload arrives in Bengaluru

The NASA-ISRO Synthetic Aperture Radar (NISAR) payload, one of the world’s most advanced radar systems and the low earth orbit observatory jointly developed by NASA and ISRO, reached Bengaluru in the early hours of March 6.

🔬 Nanoscopic imaging technology

A neuromorphic sensor can detect nanoparticles invisible to current microscopes.

🎖️ HAL to improve airforce training

HAL introduces a state-of-the-art avionics-equipped fighter training model for the airforce.

🚄 Indigenous hyperloop

Engineers at IIT Madras and a startup have teamed up to build India's first cargo hyperloop system.
