💬 ChatGPT alternatives

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IIT Madras will work on ChatGPT alternatives with a focus on regional languages.

What’s it about? As ChatGPT, the AI chatbot, has risen to some level of prominence, there are some limitations. While it can respond in Hindi, it has limited knowledge of Indian regional languages. IIT Madras will try to rectify that with an alternative that can understand regional languages.

  • The institution is trying to keep the focus on the Indian user. An alternative to ChatGPT could be used in languages like Tamil, Kannada, and Telugu.
  • IIT Madras director V Kamakoti said data generated through the government’s Swayam platform could help create a Maths or Physics Chat.

Enhanced ChatGPT: With the arrival of GPT-4, the enhanced language model can accept image inputs and generate an output accordingly. It also passed the LSAT with 88 percentile and SAT Math with 89 percentile.

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