A city-based startup is looking to help dependent individuals take care of their dental health.
What’s it about? The startup Sociodent is trying to bridge the gap in the clinical needs of dependent individuals, particularly oral care. Their target is those with limited or no dexterity in their upper limbs. The automated product is currently in the clinical validation phase of testing on people.
- The product in question is a mouthpiece, like an automated brush, to offer gradual independence in oral hygiene. It works on a battery and power supply.
- The target audience includes those who can’t brush. It can be someone who is bedridden or with a physical disability and have to rely on caregivers for a task like brushing their teeth.
Company background: Sociodent was founded by Steward Gracian S and Stephen Samuel J, two experienced dentists. While working on an Assistive Oral Care Device for dependent individuals, they created the company and realised the product’s commercial potential. Incorporated in March 2021, it has been a part of the IIT-M Research Park ecosystem.