🏞️ Increased visitor cap at Eco Park

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More people can now visit the Adyar Eco Park as the cap has been increased for each session.

What’s it about? The number of visitors to the Tholkappia Poonga (Adyar Eco Park) has increased from 60 to 100 for each session. There are four sessions – 6:30 – 8 am and 4:30 – 6 pm, a guided tour from 2.30 – 4 pm, and educational tours from 9.30 am – 12.30 pm.

  • Through the Chennai Rivers Restoration Trust, the state government renovated 58 acres of the Adyar Estuary area to create the park in 2011.
  • Since it’s considered an ecologically sensitive area, entry was restricted. The park was opened this May, and now more visitors can enter.

(Image credits: Aravind SivarajCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

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