🩺 Groundbreaking new heart procedure

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Kauvery Hospital has developed a new innovative coronary angioplasty procedure.

What’s it about? Kauvery Hospital has successfully done a coronary angioplasty procedure using drug-coated balloons (DCB). It eliminates the side effects of stenting and can be an alternative to stents for coronary angioplasty.

  • DCB is a milestone technique. It releases the drug Sirolimus from the balloon surface within a minute of inflation. DCB can replace stent usage in about 25% of angioplasty procedures.

Who said what? Dr KP Suresh Kumar, the chief cardiologist at the hospital, said the US FDA recently approved this balloon. Prof Antonio Colombo, a pioneer in interventional cardiology, said special drug-coated balloons are emerging as an alternative to stents.

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