🤡 Gentle clowning

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Nadia Cristina Rodrigues, a hospital clown, will train her Indian counterparts in the art of gentle clowning.

What’s it about? Nadia, a professional hospital clown, will train Chennai hospital clowns in gentle clowning, specifically for the elderly. It’s being done in partnership with The Little Theatre. The rise in the elderly population in Portugal drove Nadia to take up gentle clowning.

  • Gentle clowning is about connecting with the elderly to show them compassion. It’s proven useful in improving the well-being and memory of the elderly, especially those with Parkinson’s and Alzheimer’s.
  • For elders, it’s a way of treating them with respect which is an important lesson in gentle clowning. They are careful around them and dress up in a way to get their affection.

Who said what? Nadia said she realised it was important to take care of the elderly since they often don’t have family members around. Aysha Rau of The Little Theatre said seeing Nadia’s work convinced her to train the core team and take them for an outreach trip to the Little Sisters of the Poor in Chetpet.

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