πŸ—ΊοΈ Delimitation for area sabhas

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The Chennai Corporation will notify the delimitation for area sabhas in 10 days, with meetings expected next year.

What’s it about? The Corporation will notify the delimitation of 2,000 areas to organise meetings of the sabha areas in 10 days. The meetings are likely to happen in January. The sabhas will provide suggestions and projects to the Corporation council. The area maps are currently being finalised. Once the notification is done, the council will nominate 10 members for each ward.

  • In the long run, area sabhas could become a way to increase voting percentage in urban areas. They could help increase civic participation.
  • Every area sabha will be like a gram sabha in an urban context. The voters in the area will be the members.

Geographical conditions: An official said geography has to be kept in mind. If there’s a 100-foot road dividing the area, then it won’t make sense to have neighbourhoods across the road as part of one area. If there’s one apartment complex, it shouldn’t be split into two areas. The people in such places might have to travel more.

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