💵 Corporation budget

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The Chennai Corporation will focus on education and keep its revenue deficit down.

What’s it about? The Corporation expects to keep its revenue deficit at ₹334.59 crore, which is ₹188 crore lesser than the revised 2022-23 estimates. In addition to investments in infrastructure like roads and stormwater drains, education saw increased allocation with ₹110 crore. Mayor R Priya stated the budget was crafted with education as a focus area.

  • ₹881.2 crore was allocated for Singara Chennai 2.0 and the Tamil Nadu Urban Road Infrastructure Fund. ₹102.5 crore has been allocated to build new bridges and widen existing ones. ₹260.5 crore has been allocated for solid waste management.
  • Last year, the Corporation was close to collecting ₹1,500 crore in property tax. This year, the hope is to collect ₹1,680 crore. The civic body’s collection efficiency has increased, and they’re also looking at under-assessed properties.

Other announcements: Among the other projects in the budget were modern fish markets at Chintadripet and Besant Nagar, on-street parking extensions at all zones, and an increase in councillor ward development funds to ₹40 lakh.

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