🎤 Protests interfering with learning

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Frequent protests at Freedom Park have hindered Maharani Cluster University.

What’s been happening: For students and teachers at the Maharani Cluster University, frequent protests at Freedom Park have become a pain. The university consists of three colleges around Freedom Park. Teachers say they’ve been mentally harassed for the last couple of years.

  • Protestors park their vehicles in front of the university gate and sometimes walk inside the premises. For staff, it sometimes takes them 40 minutes to get out of the campus. In the mornings, there are traffic jams due to rallies.
  • The protestors use high-volume mikes and shout slogans that disturb classes. Teachers aren’t able to conduct classes, and students aren’t able to concentrate. Now, the university wants to file a police complaint.

Court rules: Recently, the high court directed the state government to restrict protests at Freedom Park since it affects the movement of traffic in the area.

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