🧼 Parents complain about lack of hygiene in schools

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Amid the times of Covid and other diseases, parents are worried about the lack of proper hygiene facilities in Bengaluru schools.

Story so far: Parents have complained to private schools about their concerns regarding the lack of hygiene facilities such as insufficient handwash and dirty washrooms. Some parents reported that despite repeated requests to change this, the schools refused and stated that children waste handwash and they cannot provide it. Parents feel it is unfair for them to choose between their child’s safety and education. 

  • Many parents are fuming that despite paying exorbitant amounts in fees, the schools are refusing to provide basic hygiene facilities. 
  • Due to poor facilities in schools and the refusal of the management to ensure proper sanitation, parents are pushing for classes to take place online or in a hybrid mode. 

Pathetic conditions: Some parents have also complained that in addition to the scarcity of handwash on school campuses, children are made to sit on the floor and have their meals. This has led to many children falling sick. 

  • Although they have not been diagnosed with Covid, parents blame the unhygienic conditions of the school for their child’s illness.

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