🦟 Mosquito menace

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Changing climatic patterns have made Bengaluru a breeding ground for mosquitoes.

Story so far: The rising numbers of mosquitoes in Bengaluru have alarmed residents and welfare associations. Areas on the outskirts of the Outer Ring Road are especially suffering. The Indian Institute of Horticultural Research (IIHR) and other institutes might have some answers.

  • Entomologists argue that the mosquito menace is caused by the changing climatic patterns in and around Bengaluru.
  • Incessant rains all year long, filled-up lakes, erratic temperatures, and humid conditions have turned the city into a breeding ground for the gnats.

Why it matters? The abnormal increase in mosquito populations makes the outbreak of vector-borne diseases like malaria, dengue, and chikungunya more likely. For the BBMP, it’s a significant public health concern.

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