🕌 Mosque hosts all faiths

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Masjid-e-Khadria, a mosque in Bengaluru, hosted a tour on Saturday for people of all faiths.

Story so far: People of various religions were invited to a guided tour of the expansive Masjid-e-Khadria mosque on Millers Road in the Cantonment on Saturday. Between 4 pm and 8 pm, almost 2,000 people gathered at the mosque.

  • Muhammad for Mankind, a student and youth organisation, planned the event to spread a message of unity among people.

Event details: Due to what they see in the media, people have preconceived conceptions about institutions like mosques and madrasas. A Q&A session was provided in this event to allay any such uncertainties.

  • Additionally, in order to learn more about the religion, the participants watched live prayers.

An exhibition featured artefacts like antique cameras and historic medical instruments, as well as talks about how Islam changed the world by introducing things like algebra and coffee.

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