🚦 Google to the rescue

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Can Google help solve Bengaluru’s traffic problems?

Story so far: Bengaluru is notorious for its traffic congestion. Given the number of vehicles, it’s become increasingly difficult for the police to manage things. When Prime Minister Narendra Modi visited in June, he set a deadline of 40 months for the government to tackle the traffic issues. Now, it looks like Google will help.

  • The Bengaluru traffic police have partnered with Google to help in traffic management. It’s a first in the country. A pilot project is underway to optimise the configuration of traffic lights. It’s apparently already reduced the waiting time at signals. 
  • Google will use AI to track driving trends and recommend a daily plan for the police. Data from the tech giant has shown some improvement in a 20% reduction in wait time of commuters. Most of the traffic signals in the city will be optimised with Google’s help. 

There’s more: Google will also show real-time road closures for commuters and speed limits on Google Maps. Overall, the changes are expected to impact at least one crore vehicles across the city.

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