Outside the world of contractors, Labour Stands aren’t really something most people know about. Yet, they perfectly point out the exploitative nature of the informal hiring market.
What are they: Labour Stands are informal spaces where unskilled workers gather to seek employment for daily wage jobs. They’re usually placed near auto or bus stands. In Bengaluru, Lingarajapuram, Chikka Banaswadi and Kurubarahalli are three common spots for Labour Stands.
How do they work: The workers gather at these spots at 7 am and stay there till 10 am every day. Contractors come to the labour stands, get the number of workers they need and the workers usually just follow them. Most of the time, workers have no idea who they’re doing business with.
- Why it matters: While this whole situation sounds incredibly dodgy, as it is, most migrant workers use these Labour Stands as their prime source of employment. Workers don’t find long-term employment with the bigger projects so this becomes their best bet.
The issue isn’t with the Labour Stands, it’s about the shocking lack of regulations.