A Bengaluru-based couple launched Beautiful Together with the goal of creating a successful e-commerce model that caters to the financial requirements of people with special needs and those who care for them.
Story so far: Reji Vaheed and Anitha Reji founded Beautiful Together in 2020. It is an online platform that offers financial support to families of special-needs children. The authors claim that when they observed their daughter Riza, a 23-year-old with Down syndrome, trying to find employment after completing her education, they were inspired to start the effort.
- In order to reach out to people who have special needs and their parents and invite them to join Beautiful Together, the founders have worked with a number of NGOs.
Addressing limitations: Despite the fact that parents enrol their children in special education programmes, there are still restrictions on what the child can accomplish once they reach a particular age.
- When it comes to people with special needs, the main goals are to provide them with long-term care after their caregivers have left them, access to quality education, and financial independence.