💨 50% of pollution caused by transport sector

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50% of the air pollution in Bengaluru is a result of carbon monoxide emitted by vehicles.

Story so far: Prior to the Diwali festival, the city’s air quality index (AQI) was in the 50s. The index increased to a moderate level after the festival. While New Delhi has an AQI of over 400, Bengaluru’s ranges from 100 to 200. Due to the rise in automobiles over the past 15 years, traffic congestion has also gotten worse. Car emissions of carbon monoxide are contributing to an increase in air pollution.

  • The transport sector contributes 50.5% to air pollution in Bengaluru.
  • 16.9% is caused by road dust, 11% by construction and demolition, 5.9% by waste burning, and 0.1% by industries.

Encourage public transport: More people should be encouraged to use public transportation in the city to reduce air pollution. Currently, the city’s air pollution has been greatly reduced thanks in large part to Namma Metro transportation. Additionally, harsh action ought to be taken against cars that emit more smoke.

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