🤖 AI wellness platform developed

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An AI-based corporate wellness platform, Kreeda.ai has been developed to deal with stress and anxiety.

Story so far: An AI-based corporate wellness platform has been developed by a start-up that is a part of the ARTPARKs ignite programme and was created by S.N. Omkar from the Department of Aerospace at IISc and Dhruv Shindhe.

  • AI (Artificial Intelligence) could be a solution to the lack of access to a professional.
  • A small group of employees from a Bengaluru-based Defense PSU will participate in a pilot study of Kreeda.ai.

How it works: The platform will include AI-based yoga poses that will encourage employees to practise yoga every day and ensure they are doing it correctly, just like a trainer would. The platform also uses mindfulness practices based on cognitive behaviour therapy to lessen stress and anxiety.

  • Additionally, Kreedai.ai has a mental health chatbot designed to interact with employees and help them in stressful situations.

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