🚮 Waste segregation report card

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Residents will have progress cards to ensure they segregate waste.

What’s it about? To ensure residents segregate waste and are made aware of the initiative, the Corporation is planning report/progress cards for residents. Urbaser Sumeet, the Corporation’s garbage conservancy contractor for south Chennai, has been educating the public with volunteers going door-to-door. At its divisional offices, the Corporation has been selling manure at affordable prices for terrace farming.

  • The first phase of the report card initiative will cover 260 houses across different routes. Each card will have details like the types of waste generated and the amount segregated.
  • The details will be verified by the conservancy operator and an Urbaser staff member. Those who perform well will be rewarded.

Residents speak: While residents welcomed the move, they want it to be foolproof. One suggestion is a third party to ensure the data is accurate since residents are asked to mark the waste segregated themselves.

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