🚊 Taking London as an example

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The CUMTA will look at London for its mobility plan.

What’s it about? CUMTA will work with Transport for London (TFL) for technical guidance in creating its comprehensive mobility plan (CMP). Part of this is introducing the common ticketing system. CUMTA wants to seamlessly integrate all transport models and promote public and non-motorised transport.

  • CUMTA organised workshops last week in concert with TFL for all line departments. For the next 3 months, they’ll collaborate to work on the CMP.
  • Officials from the city will visit London to study how different transport modes are integrated, and TFL trainers will visit Chennai. TFL is working towards 80% of all journeys in London on foot or public transport by 2041.

Who said what? CUMTA Special officer I Jeyakumar said the relationship with TFL will be for the short and long term. He said they’ll learn from CUMTA how to conduct surveys and collect data. Santosh Loganathan from ITDP said Chennai had seen a 28% increase in private transport in the past 30 years, resulting in traffic congestion.

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