🛬 Separate lanes at the airport

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New entry and exit routes will come up for vehicles at the airport to avoid congestion.

What’s it about? The airport will soon have separate lanes for international and domestic terminals and additional counters to collect vehicle fares. Over the past 2 years, the airport has been operating under restrictions with closures, reduced flights, and low passenger numbers. Currently, more than 12,000 vehicles enter and exit through the same area.

  • To reduce congestion, new routes will come up near the airport police station. With separate routes, officials will be able to manage the traffic.
  • Once the new routes are established, it’s expected that congestion will reduce, specifically at the international terminal at night and early morning.

Additional facilities: There are new toll collection counters on the routes that aren’t functional yet. These will be used when the six-storey parking facility is opened. It has already been built and can hold 2,000 vehicles.

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