🏞️ Restoring Buckingham Canal

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The Madras High Court asked the government to restore the Buckingham Canal by removing pollutants and encroachments.

Story so far: The Kasturba and Indira Nagar Residents Welfare Forum filed a petition in the court demanding authorities remove encroachments on the Canal Bank Road. The issue has been pending since 2014, and the court gave the government a six-month timeline. The canal has been polluted for a long time and has narrowed due to encroachments.

  • The court said the engineer in charge should demarcate the boundary of the canal. It also said the court wouldn’t entertain any disputes concerning the encroachments.
  • The bench made clear that to keep the environment pollution-free, civic citizens should contribute. It also said the timeline of six months wouldn’t be extended.

(Image credits: RasnaboyCC BY-SA 3.0, via Wikimedia Commons)

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