🔌 No more power cuts in T Nagar?

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T Nagar no longer sees power cuts thanks to new infrastructure.

What’s it about? T Nagar has 2 of the 14 new substations that were inaugurated – one at Kannammapet and another at Corporation Colony. With this and the six new feeders, the overall load of the new feeders has reduced from 80% to 30%.

  • The core area of T Nagar, with residential and commercial complexes, has more than 1 lakh connections. It’s supervised by three assistant executive engineers and three assistant engineers.
  • The area is a busy hub with shops and offices that consume power during the day. Consumption increases during the night, and backfeeding now takes less than 15 minutes compared to 25 earlier.

Residents happy: T Nagar residents are relieved since they no longer face prolonged power cuts. During cyclone Mandous, the power supply was restored within minutes.

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