🎼 MYC pays tribute to freedom fighter

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The Madras Youth Choir (MYC) paid a musical tribute to the late Indian freedom fighter and social reformer, S Satyamurti. Satyamurti was a prominent leader in the Indian National Congress and played a significant role in India’s struggle for independence from British rule.

What’s it about? The tribute, titled “Satyamurti – A Legacy Told Through Music,” featured songs and compositions that reflect Satyamurti’s life, ideals, and contributions to Indian society. The tribute was well-received by the audience and is part of a broader effort to promote awareness and appreciation of Satyamurti’s legacy.

Tussle with the pandemic: The Madras Youth Choir completed their golden jubilee a couple of years ago but found itself in a pit against the pandemic. The musicians, however, trained themselves as their instructors held classes using Google Meet and Zoom.

  • Now that the pandemic is over, the choir is back to running at full steam and is staging performances as well as training new musicians.

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