🏫 Lack of playgrounds in schools

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Data from the government shows more than 300 schools in Chennai don’t have playgrounds.

Story so far: The Chief Educational Officer of Chennai submitted a report stating that 367 of the 1,434 schools under her jurisdiction don’t have playgrounds. The report was filed in response to a public interest litigation on the need for physical education in schools.

  • After the petition was filed, the Division bench asked for a report to be filed providing information on what other facilities were lacking besides playgrounds.
  • While playgrounds were one issue, the report also mentioned that 21 schools didn’t have drinking water facilities, and 290 didn’t have dustbins in their toilets.

What’s next? After the report was submitted, the judges asked the Government Pleader P. Muthukumar to have a similar report ready next week for all schools in the state.

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