♿ Disabled street vendors get their space

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The state has released an order to prioritise persons with disabilities (PwD) in the allocation space for pushcarts.

Story so far: Many disabled street vendors lost their jobs and livelihoods during the pandemic. For those who have pushcarts, they’ll need help to use them.

  • Certificates will be issued to the vendors under the Tamil Nadu Street Vendors (Protection of Livelihood and Regularisation of Street Vending) Scheme of 2015.
  • They’ll be given priority when allocating spaces. It’ll either be near their homes or where they’ve already done business.

PwD statistics: The number of disabled people in Tamil Nadu is more than 13 lakh. 70% of them are illiterate. 97% of those employed are in the unorganised sector. This underscores why the state government’s decision is important.

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