The Indian Coast Guard conducted its search and rescue exercise (SAREX-22) in the city on Sunday.
Story so far: The National Maritime Search and Rescue Exercise (SAREX) is a biennial exercise by the coast guard. It’s conducted under the watchful eye of the National Maritime Search and Rescue Board (NMSARB) and other senior Indian and foreign officials. This year’s theme was “Capacity Building Towards Marine Passenger Safety”.
- The events were spread over two days. The ICG Dornier planes showed how passengers could be rescued from ships and aircraft during emergencies.
Flying high: Despite the pandemic, the coast guard was able to continue. Indian Coast Guard chief VS Pathania said the nation’s security wasn’t compromised during that time.
Participants: From India, 51 agencies were represented, including the airport authority, fisheries, the Navy, Air Force, and others. 16 friendly nations had 24 representatives in attendance.
(Image credits: Screengrab from Good News Today’s YouTube Video)