🕳️ A quick-fix solution for potholes

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The Corporation is looking to quickly fix potholes ahead of the monsoon with a new machine.

What’s it about? Monsoon season is approaching, and the Chennai Corporation wants to get moving on fixing potholes. They’re planning on using jet patcher machines that can fix each pothole in just a few minutes. They’ll cover 471 bus routes, and some smaller roads will be relaid after the monsoon.

  • The mostly automatic machine first cleans the pothole with a blower and then sprinkles a tar coat emulsion over the surface. The blower makes sure the cold mix sticks to the ground.
  • It’s then rolled with a compactor. It’s already in use in cities like Mumbai and Ahmedabad.

Advantages: The entire process can be completed in 15 minutes. By using the jet patcher, work can carry on without disrupting traffic. It’s also cost-effective at ₹1,450 compared to manual work which costs ₹22,000 for a 10 square metre patch.

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