🎤 Trying stand-up comedy

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Bengaluru’s multitalented writer and athlete, Anu Vaidyanathan, is on a roll.

Story so far: Filmmaker, triathlete, and now stand-up comedian Anu Vaidyanathan recently debuted in Off-broadway theatre in New York with her maiden stand-up hour called BC: AD (Before Children: After Diapers). The stand-up set is an hour of humorous storytelling rather than a collection of jokes.

  • The set revolves around the changes in a woman’s life after having children. Building on her experiences, the comedian provides an optic into women’s aspirations and how they balance them while managing children.
  • Vaidyanathan reveals that her writing background and a month-long experience in clown school prepared her for crafting a successful stand-up hour.

What else? Being a Jack of all trades, Vaidyanathan also works in the film industry. While her past scripts made it to the final rounds of Rotterdam and Sundance film festivals, presently, she is working on two new movie scripts. In 2006, she became the first Indian to compete in a triathlon and in 2009, she became the first Asian woman to complete the Ultraman Canada triathlon.

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