🔌 Meter crunch hinders solar installations

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According to installers and service providers in the field, there have been at least 40% fewer solar panel installations in Bengaluru during the previous three months.

What’s it about? Although more individuals are expressing interest in green energy, service providers have said that the process has been held down, and they are unable to finish installations at many sites due to a scarcity of bidirectional metres.

  • Although metres are available in other states, installers cannot use them because of tight BESCOM regulations. Senior BESCOM executives said that the situation was caused by a chip shortage brought on by import issues during the epidemic. They had been using the metre stock up to this point.
  • Another official stated that they anticipate receiving the metres soon. Three-phase metres will shortly be delivered; however, a few one-phase metres are currently in use. In the upcoming days, at least 500 metres are anticipated to arrive.

Why does it matter?: The government is trying hard to cater to the energy needs of the country while reducing the burden on fossil fuels amidst a rapidly changing climate. Citizens partaking in switching to green energy also make a very big contribution towards sustainability.

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