🌼 Celebrating Holi the organic way

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This year, the patients at NIMHANS Bangalore made Holi colours, candles, and bakery items using recycled items.

Story so far:  The patients produced 100kg of eco-friendly Holi colours from flowers that were donated to them by temples. The initiative to make Holi colours was started in 2017 when the production was just 5kg. This exercise had been halted during the pandemic, and it has now been resumed again.

  • Psychiatric rehabilitation services have trained the patients to make these various items. And the sale proceeds of these items are shared with the patients who have helped make these items.
  • A worker from the rehabilitation centre explains that the colours are made by cutting and drying the flowers they get from the temple. The dried flowers are then put in a machine where they are ground and processed.

Helping the patients: Conducting activities like these for patients helps instil confidence and a sense of self. These activities give patients a purpose and also provide them with an opportunity to socialise.

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