If you live in a highrise in the city, there is a strong likelihood of you coming face to face with an entire bee colony.
Story so far: According to a 2021 survey, Bengaluru’s buildings were home to around 8,000 bee colonies. The situation has gotten so intense that the All India Council of Honey Bees has gotten involved, and is now looking into the matter.
- Here’s the thing, the 2021 survey isn’t even done yet. And still, entomologists have recorded a 5-10% drop in the bee population due to residents destroying these hives.
Why buildings: With a diminishing tree cover, the honey bees really have nowhere else to go. Modern architectural designs also use loads of glass structures, cement, stone and air conditioners that naturally keep pillars cool. To rock bees (Apis dorsata), these buildings provide a pleasant and sturdy spot to build their colonies.
What do you do: If you have a bee colony close by, relax. Don’t call the exterminators. Call the Gandhi Krishi Vignana Kendra (GKVK) instead. They will come in and peacefully relocate the bees instead of murdering an innocent species. Remember, it is their migratory season right now. You’re the one in their way.