BookWater’s technology helps people discover the quality of bottled water to ensure its safety.
What’s it about? Sameer Bharat Ram, Bharat Govindarajan, Balachander G, and Hariharan Vedamurthy started Chennai-based BookWater. It’s one of the world’s first IoT-powered and quality-based water delivery platforms. It launched in 2021 and began operations this year. Their water cans are priced at ₹55. Local ones are priced at ₹45, while known brands are priced at ₹80-85.
- BookWater allows people to use its QR code to track the quality of water and how many times it has been recycled, and when it’ll be upcycled. Sensors in the water stations determine the water quality.
- Water cans can be tracked through their value chain – from where it’s purified to the distribution and consumption phase. The company currently operates in the B2B space with Ascott Group of Hotels and Hindustan University among its clients.
Taking on the big guys: The company wants to revolutionise how water is consumed to make it safe for everyone. It has partnered with four filling stations in the city. The company is expected to sell 3,000 cans a day from the current 1,000. It’s also looking to enter Bengaluru next.