🚇 Natesan Park delisted as a metro location

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Chennai Metro Rail Limited (CMRL) has decided to exclude Natesan Park as a proposed metro station location. Instead, CMRL has decided to construct a station at Panagal Park, which is approximately 700 meters away from Natesan Park.

Reasons cited: The decision to exclude Natesan Park as a metro station location is due to technical feasibility issues. According to CMRL, the area surrounding Natesan Park is densely populated, and the station’s construction would require the acquisition of private land, leading to significant project delays and cost escalations.

  • In contrast, Panagal Park is deemed to be a more viable location for the metro station, with less population density and no need for land acquisition.

Why it matters? The decision affects the public transportation options available to the local residents in Chennai. A metro station can significantly enhance the connectivity and accessibility of an area, leading to improved mobility and economic development.

  • Residents argue that the exclusion of Natesan Park as a metro station location will result in inconvenience and hardship for local commuters who rely on public transport to commute to work, school, and other destinations.

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