🌊 Combining two SWD systems

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The planned union of two stormwater drains has been scrapped.

What’s it about? The planned combination of the stormwater drains found on one of the two stretches of Pantheon Road that connect at the Egmore Roundtana has been shelved. One, from the British era, has been well preserved. The other one was new, made from concrete and thermo-mechanically treated bars.

  • Officials from the Chennai Corporation and the traffic police at the Egmore F2 station tried to come up with a plan. Preparations were underway with pre-cast slabs at the ready.
  • Metro water drains cast doubt on the project. The work was on hold due to alignment issues with the drains. When the digging was being done for the linking, the metro water drains’ content was spewing out.

Future plans: While the pre-cast slabs are still waiting to be used, the stormwater drain work at the Roundtana could be done once the pending work at Casa Major Road is finished.

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