🗳️ Vote from home

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The elderly and people with disabilities (PwD) can vote from home in the upcoming assembly elections.

Story so far: The wind blows heavy with controversies while city walls stand plastered in ornate appeals. It’s almost time for the Karnataka Assembly elections. On Wednesday, Rajiv Kumar, the Chief Election Commissioner (CEC) of India, revealed that persons with disabilities (PwD) and senior citizens past 80 years of age can vote from home.

  • 12.15 lakh registered voters in Karnataka are above 80 years of age, and 5.55 lakh voters are PwD.
  • Qualifying people can send their votes through form 12D, which allows voters to send in their votes by post. Kumar said the entire process will be videographed while ensuring the vote’s secrecy.

Tell me more? The Assembly elections will be held in a single go on May 10, 2023. On May 13, the votes will be counted. Kumar announced that half of the polling booths would be webcast. Women officials will manage 1,320 booths.

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