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A book about the city

Good morning, Bengaluru!

🌧️ Today’s weather: Cloudy sky with light rain expected.

🧐 Did you know? Blossom Book House started as a small bookstore in 2002 on Church Street. It is owned by Mayi Gowda.

📖 “Namma Bangalore”: A newcomer’s guide

Shoba Narayan’s book, “Namma Bangalore – The Soul Of Metropolis,” serves as a comprehensive guide for those new to Bengaluru, capturing the essence of the city.

What’s it about? Launched at Bookworm in Bengaluru, the book is Narayan’s “love letter to the city.” Through her writing, she processes her experiences, from the joys of Bengaluru to the challenges of traffic. The book is a culmination of her column “Bangalore Talkies,” which she wrote for a daily newspaper, offering personal insights into the city’s life.

  • The book is structured as listicles, providing a literary guide to the city, from its neighbourhoods to heritage buildings.
  • It offers a balanced view of Bengaluru, highlighting both its charms and challenges, from multicultural harmony to issues like moral policing.

Included in syllabi: Academicians have shown interest in including the book in various syllabi, marking a significant achievement for Narayan. The book is available through Rupa Publications India, priced at ₹395 and can be purchased on Amazon and local bookstores.

🏘️ Property prices to rise

Due to the revised ‘guidance value’ by the Karnataka government, property prices in Bengaluru are anticipated to surge.

What’s it about? Effective from October 1, the new guidance value is expected to see an average increase of 25 to 30 percent compared to the current rates. The guidance value, determined by the government, is the minimum selling price of a property based on its locality and structure type.

  • The guidance value revision comes after a gap of five years, which Karnataka Revenue Minister Krishna Byre Gowda attributes to black money transactions.
  • Areas, where market rates and guidance values are similar, will see a 10 percent increase, while areas where market rates are significantly higher than the guidance value will experience a 20 to 25 percent hike.

Changes in other districts: The revised rates will first be implemented in Bengaluru on October 1. Subsequent changes in other districts will be discussed and implemented gradually. The public can also submit objections to the revised guidance values, which will be taken into consideration by officials.

🎶 Bengaluru’s ‘Barbie’ song

A Kannada parody song titled ‘Naanu Nandini’, which narrates the journey of a girl transitioning from a small town to Bengaluru, has gone viral, garnering over 25 million views in just 10 days.

What’s it about? The song, inspired by the catchy ‘Barbie Girl’ tune by the Danish pop band Aqua, was created by content creator and comedian Vikas Sangam, also known as VickyPedia. The song’s relatable content, which mirrors Vikas’s own experience of moving from Chitradurga to Bengaluru for higher studies, has resonated with many.

  • The lyrics depict the protagonist’s life in Bengaluru, including living in a PG accommodation, working in an IT firm, and the challenges of adjusting to city life.
  • The idea for the parody emerged when the ‘Barbie’ film was trending in the news and on social media.

The process and the result: Vikas collaborated with Sachit Clare, Amit Chitte, and Vivek Pattar to produce the song. The entire process of composing, shooting, and editing was completed in a single day.

  • The song has become so popular that Vikas is now recognized as ‘Nandini’ in his locality, and the track is being played at Ganesh Chaturthi celebrations across Karnataka.

💃 Garba workshops

As Navaratri approaches, dance instructors in Bengaluru are offering short courses in garba and dandiya to help enthusiasts prepare for the festival.

What’s it about? The festival, which starts on October 15 and concludes on October 24, is celebrated with fervour, and dancing is a significant part of the festivities. Garba is performed with bare hands, while dandiya involves the use of sticks. Several workshops are being organized across the city to cater to the demand.

  • Bijal J Shah, a Zumba instructor, has already trained four batches this season. She offers 10-hour classes over weekends, with the next set starting from September 23. She plans to host a garba-dandiya event on October 8 for all her students.
  • Hemali Thakkar, a tax consultant, will conduct two 90-minute workshops, focusing on basic garba steps and a few dandiya moves. The sessions are designed to help beginners navigate Navaratri with confidence.

More dancers: Other instructors like Sheena Chaudhary and brothers Nimesh and Mohit Chhag are also offering workshops. While Sheena combines garba moves with Bollywood dance steps, the Chhag brothers emphasize group performances, teaching in batches at multiple venues. The workshops are priced variably, ranging from ₹499 to ₹2,500.

📊 Today’s Poll

(Only subscribers can participate in the polls)

Can you dance?

  • I can dance.
  • I can’t dance.

❓ Today’s Question

(Only subscribers can submit their answers)

Which festival brings you the most joy?

Reply to this email with your answers.

🗞️ In other news…

🛋️ Local Lounge

Yesterday’s Poll:

  • I pray regularly: 27.3%
  • I don’t pray regularly: 72.7% 🏆

That’s it for today. Have a great day!

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