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Bees under threat

Good morning, Bengaluru!

🌦️ Today’s weather: Generally cloudy with the possibility of some rain in the afternoon.

🧐 Did you know? Bengaluru is sometimes called the Space City of India since it’s often a hub for the country’s space agencies and activities.

🐝 Bee population under threat

As the summers get hotter, the city’s bee population could be under threat.

What’s it about? Researchers from the ICAR-Indian Institute of Horticulture Research, Bengaluru, have noted that high temperatures affected the city’s bee population. A study was done to assess how climate change affects the plant-pollinator interactions in horticulture crops. Climate change is an important factor that affects pollinators.

  • The study showed the number of active bees foraging on mango flowers decreased by 75-80% as the temperature increased beyond 32 degrees Celsius. Their population is at its highest when the temperature is between 26 and 30 degrees Celsius.
  • They recorded a 68% variability in the foraging activity when temperatures were above 32 degrees Celsius. Extreme temperatures impact their pollination activities.

What will be the effects? The pollination service of over 70% of crops will be affected, including fruits, vegetables, spices, and nuts. In mangoes, for example, low pollinator visits mean lower yields for farmers and consumers.

🚘 Easing the parking woes

The Police Commissioner has urged people to use public transport to help with the city’s parking issues.

What’s it about? A recent public meeting focussed on the city’s public parking woes that have resulted in congestion and obstructing pedestrian movement on footpaths. Police Commissioner B Dayananda said the answer lies in more people using public transport.

  • In the meeting, residents complained about all-day parking occupying valuable space, the absence of railings on footpaths, and extended auto stands, as raised by a Mount Carmel College student.
  • Joint Commissioner of Police (Traffic) MN Anucheth suggested a feeder bus service from the parking ground to the college. He also said the service can be expanded for students and residents along with a multi-level parking facility.

Other issues: Rajkumar Duggar, the founder of Citizens4Citizens, raised the issue of noise pollution. Others called for strict regulations on commercial establishments that operate after 1 a.m.

🚌 Bengaluru transport bandh

The scheduled bandh today will affect private buses and taxis, and affect the city’s transportation system.

What’s it about? Over 32,000 private carriers represented by the Karnataka State Private Transport Association have called for a bandh to oppose the Shakti plan that was announced by the state government in June.

  • Under the Shakti scheme, women can ride non-premium government buses for free. The carriers say this will impact their revenues and want the government to reimburse their losses.
  • The bandh will affect private taxis, cabs, buses, and cars. Some schools have even declared a holiday due to the bandh and exams have been suspended.

What is available? Emergency services like ambulances will still run. Metro and cabs operated by aggregators like Ola and Uber will be available. Government-run buses are expected to operate as normal.

πŸ™ Renting Ganesha idols

Idol makers and sellers are now offering Ganesha idols for rent.

What’s it about? As Ganeshotsav season approaches, idol sellers and makers are offering them on rent since it’s cost-effective and better for the environment. Many households and mandals prefer to rent idols, typically those made of Plaster of Paris (PoP).

  • Once the processions and pujas are done, these idols can be returned and reused later, while clay idols are usually immersed in water.
  • The renting system is flexible. Prices vary from β‚Ή2,000-10,000 based on the size. There is an initial refundable deposit, and the organisers bear the transportation cost.

Are PoP idols safe? PoP idols aren’t considered safe for the environment since they can impact oxygen levels. They’re non-biodegradable and, if immersed, can affect the water since the particles don’t easily dissolve.

  • There’s a ban on PoP idols, but they’re still being used. In 2022, 7.5% of the idols immersed were PoP. There has been a decreasing trend in their usage. In 2016, the share of PoP idols was 40%.

πŸ“Š Today’s Poll

(Only subscribers can participate in the polls)

Do you like honey?

  • I like honey.
  • I don’t like honey.

❓ Today’s Question

(Only subscribers can submit their answers)

What do you think can help ease the city’s parking issues?

Reply to this email with your answers.

πŸ—žοΈ In other news…

That’s it for today. Have a great day!

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