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Sustainability guide

Good morning, Bengaluru!

☁️ Today’s weather: Cloudy with a touch of sun.

🧐 Did you know? St John’s Medical College was the first private medical college in Bengaluru. Established in 1963, it aimed to train health professionals to serve the marginalised.

🍃 Sustainability guide for museums

Bengaluru-based ReReeti Foundation has taken the mantle of organising museums against climate action.

Story so far: Museums along coasts and disaster-prone areas are at risk from rising sea levels and harsh weather. This puts buildings, exhibits, and heritage sites in danger, risking cultural loss. ReReeti Foundation, from Bengaluru, is launching a handbook named “Sustainability Management: A Practical Guide for Museums,” offering solutions to this pressing issue.

  • It’s set for a digital launch next month. The handbook will be available to museums nationwide. It has a user-friendly approach, is jargon-free, and is accessible to all.
  • The handbook thoroughly examines a museum’s carbon footprint, overall management, vendor relationships, and waste handling using a SWOT approach (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, Threats).

Organised action: Cultural institutions like museums can actively combat the climate crisis, as highlighted by the non-profit ReReeti Foundation. In a cohort of seven museums, waste audits are being conducted to gauge their impact. Tejshvi Jain, Founder-Director of ReReeti, noted that while museums show effort, many lack organised sustainability methods.

  • Their IMACC tools offer a systematic solution, enabling museums to become platforms for dialogue, learning, and change.

🏙️ The urban governance discourse

Civic activists, policy experts, and officials gathered at Bangalore International Centre (BIC) to deliberate on urban governance.

Story so far: The BIC event, coordinated by Citizens’ Agenda for Bengaluru and CIVIC Bangalore, in collaboration with Habitat Forum (INHAF), Praja Foundation, and Making Model Gurugram, aimed to reshape city development strategies.

  • Part of the “Swaraj for Cities” series, the day-long event spotlighted the 74th Amendment of the Constitution, which introduced power decentralisation to municipal bodies.
  • Dr A Ravindra, Chairperson of the Centre of Sustainable Development, highlighted regional and sustainable planning since the exclusive urban focus has resulted in unregulated growth beyond city borders.

Lessons from Mangaluru: Urban designer Brinda Sastry highlighted Karnataka’s delay in implementing the fourth state finance commission’s suggestions and the absence of the sixth finance commission. Nigel Albuquerque, founder of Mangaluru Civic Group, cited the coastal city’s success with ward committees.

  • The group aims to channel funds to these committees instead of corporators for local development.

🚇 Metro load testing week

Metro authorities are load testing above the tracks between Baiyappanahalli to Benniganahalli.

Story so far: On August 12, the Bangalore Metro Rail Corporation Limited (BMRCL) initiated load testing of the Open Web Girder (OWG) above the Indian Railways tracks, spanning Baiyappanahalli to Benniganahalli metro stations.

  • A six-coach sandbag-loaded train, simulating total passenger capacity, remained on the OWG for about 3.5 hours to verify structural stability, as stated by Namma Metro authorities.
  • Scheduled until August 19, the testing process spans seven days. Load testing is critical in obtaining clearance from the Commissioner for Metro Rail Safety (CMRS).

New deadlines: The completion of all tests between KR Pura and Baiyappanahalli metro stations is projected by August 28, incorporating signalling trials. Initially, BMRCL aimed to finish the 2 km segment by August’s end. Yet, insiders suggest the metro line might be operational in September.

🏥 New medical services

(Image credits: St John’s National Academy of Health Sciences’ X post)

St John’s Medical College in Bengaluru unveiled new nuclear medicine services.

Story so far: Enhancing cancer diagnosis and treatment, a Nuclear Medicine services and PET scanning unit were inaugurated on Saturday at the renovated oncology block of St John’s Medical College as part of its Diamond Jubilee festivities. Transport Minister Ramalinga Reddy unveiled the new block along with integrated laboratory services.

  • The PET scan service will be available at cost-effective rates. Plans are underway to establish a new 140-bed geriatric centre.
  • Over the upcoming months, different medical college departments will initiate outreach initiatives. The cardiology department’s project, commencing in September, aims to provide 25 free angioplasties and 100 angiograms.

Recognition: The prestigious Sr Dr Mary Glowery 2023 award, recognising devoted service in rural and underprivileged regions, was bestowed upon Senior Dr Ceilia.

📊 Today’s Poll

(Only subscribers can participate in the polls)

Do you enjoy filter coffee more or artisanal brews?

  • I like filter coffee more.
  • I like artisanal brews more.

❓ Today’s Question

(Only subscribers can submit their answers)

What is your go-to radio station?

Reply to this email with your answers.

🗞️ In other news…

  • Spurious supplements can harm consumers.
  • Volunteers join together for a clean-up initiative at Lalbagh.
  • Cow vigilante Kerehalli was arrested by the Bengaluru CCB under the Goonda Act.
  • Four people were arrested for hacking the Karnataka Congress website.
  • The BBMP aims to sell 15 lakh flags as Independence Day approaches.

That’s it for today. Have a great day!

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